Help for at-Home Education
Peg Dawson, co-author of Smart But Scattered, has shared a collection of tips and tricks for educating our kids at home. Much of her collection contains the same strategies that my clients have been practicing during this time. I find her collection of resources and tips has something for everyone in the mix.
While distance learning may be working for some kiddos, it is not a cakewalk for everyone. Don’t be afraid to take the road less traveled on this journey. What I am seeing from parents and students is a desire to find what works on a day-by-day basis, including many of the following strategies:
prioritize mental health
add in movement breaks
create learning spaces that meet your child’s needs
create a schedule
create some choice to empower your child in the process
protect sleep, nutrition and exercise where possible
let go of pre-COVID expectations, for now
Play up fun, interest, novelty, gamification and find ways to create and balance that sense of urgency
disengage from learning when it is counter-productive
And if you are stumped or stressed as you navigate the remainder of this school semester, you may gain some inspiration from Peg. You can find her list and additional supports on her website: .
Check it out and drop a comment with what’s working for you and your crew.