You’ve tried and you’ve tried to make your bed each morning, brush your teeth each night, prep your meals for the week… and no matter how many times you try, the habits never seem to stick. Building habits requires your brain to build new synapse connections in order to forge new, automatic, ingrained pathways to success. We don’t build new habits just by wishing them to appear. We need a plan. Better yet, we need a map.
Before we embark on any new path, we need to know exactly where we are starting and where we want to end up. Building new behaviors into our current daily routines is no different. We build better habits through better understanding of the personal value these new habits hold to us - our personal WHY helps us define WHO we want to be. When we can visualize that personal identity, we can map out our path to success with a little pre-thinking to help ensure we are executing this new behavior that we want to become habit. Let’s map out your plan today!