Virtually for You

It's that time of year again, when our community of ADHD professionals and humans gather for the International Conference on ADHD. Only, this year, thanks to a global pandemic, we are meeting virtually. It is hard to imagine a year without seeing my AUS and US colleagues in the living flesh. Alas, we are here.

The conference committee was primed to jump in where needed and make this virtual experience as close to the real deal as we can. This year, my colleague Jonathan Hassall and I will present in a non-session slot - sharing another slice of our work with couples. Since we were presenting in a LIVE format, I had already considered the potential necessary pivots for technological snags. What I didn't account for was that my PPT presentation would freeze. Thankfully, Jonathan and I had shared files in the event one of us needed to take over the slide show. So, it happened, it threw me a little, and my half was not as polished as we had practiced.

I am always amazed by the continued grace that our ADHD audience offers. It is akin, I imagine, to the same grace that they too hope for in times of struggle. I truly miss presenting in a live, in-person format. It is my element more so than a virtual world. I love the ability to move when I speak. And the conference attendees love the ability to move between sessions.

This year was a little different. And while many of us are hoping to return to a live, in-person event, we were able to reach conference attendees that would otherwise have been unable to attend in person. That was a cool connection. And next year's conference is likely to be some sort of hybrid to better serve those who cannot make the trip to Baltimore in November 2021.

Stay tuned by checking this page for updates in 2021:

Kate Barrett